Notice Board

English Q1: 2017f: Exam I

The Focus of the first exam will be on early Immigration and first contacts with Native Americans

Thus you should be able to

  • describe and interprete a visual (detailed description using a full introduction sentence)
  • using your knowledge of the Topic and
  • create a text of your own addressing the message of the visual (interview, speech, dialogue)



Tasks for Q1. 1.9.217

1. Write a full summary of the introduction text by J. Steinl

- consider what is important when writing a summary

- you may collect together in the class what you have to do when writing a summary.

- make notes on the black board and make a photo of them so I can see your results


2. Analyse 1 of the pictures given in the material 

- Fill in the table given in the material 

- Write a full analysis as shown in the material about how to analyze visuals/photos

Just in case the material is too bad to see....:

take the image/cartoon below

Timeline exams English

  1. E1 2 exams
  2. E2 2 exams
  3. Q1 2 exams
  4. Q2 2 exams
  5. Q3 1 exam "unter Abiturbedingungen" ( 4 mal 45 min + 45 Auswahlzeit); Kommunikationsprüfung (LK)
  6. Q4 1 exam + Abitur

Bewertung Englisch ab Jahrgang 2016f

Study Guides

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