Formats to revised:
- Mediation
- Comment
- Dialogue
Thematicly the different tasks focus on the book and the topics discussed therein, society, traveling, running away from home, survival in the wilderness.
You are supposed to use:
Bewertung ab E1 2016/2017 nach Änderung der Verordnung vom Juli 2016
Sprache |
Inhalt |
Stil 30% |
Grammatik/Rechtschreibung 30% |
40% |
Beispiel für Bewertung nach der neuen OAVO
Summary Beispiel |
Punkte gesamt 20 |
6 G/R |
6 Stil/Ausdruck/Textform |
8 Punkte Inhalt |
- rewrite the falsely written correctly three times
Expression / Word
- if you used a wrong expression or word
rewrite the complete sentence once with the corrected expression'/word and underline the expression/word you corrected
Summary- if the least credited
- Rewrite a complete introduction sentence giving the Information on the type of text, date, name and medium of publication and author
- Use a variety of sentence startes and conjugations as well as short and precise sentences
- Make paragraphs and start each paragraph with an appropriate sentence starter:
For example:
At first,
( make a comma after the sentence starter)
Giving your opinion - if the least credited
- Refer to the quote by explaining it
- Give your opinion in detail on it
Interview - if the least credited
- Make sure to have a proper introduction wherein you introduce the guest and the topic
- Refer to aspects of the texts you find interesting for a teenage audience and have them explained in detail by the guest
- Use oral language
- Conclude your interview with a summary or outlook and appropriate words of thanks and goodbye.