Utopia - Dystopia

For a double cover (back cover upside-down) of the former San Francisco literary zine named Other Magazine, sometime during the W Bush era

Religious ideas

Utopia: a definition

Excerpt of The Beach by Alex Garland, 1996



'No,' I said. 'I haven't heard about that. Fill us in.'

'OK,' said Zeph. 'I'll paint you a picture.' He lay back on the sand. 'Close your eyes and think

about a lagoon.


Think about a lagoon, hidden from the sea and passing boats by a high, curving wall of rock.

Then imagine white sands and coral gardens never damaged by dynamite fishing or trawling nets. Freshwater falls scatter the island, surrounded by jungle — not the forests of inland Thailand, but jungle. Canopies three levels deep, plants untouched for a thousand years, strangely coloured

birds and monkeys in the trees.On the white sands, fishing in the coral gardens, a select

community of travellers pass the months. They leave if they want to, they return, the beach never changes.


'Select?' I asked quietly, as if talking through a dream. Zeph's vision had entirely consumed me.

'Select,' he replied. 'Word of mouth passes on the location to a lucky few.'

'It's paradise,' Sammy murmured. 'It's Eden.'

'Eden,' Zeph agreed, 'is how it sounds.'

What is Utopia? - Definition

Utopia is a term for an imagined place where everything is perfect. It has been used to describe an imaginary world where the social justice is achieved as well as the principles that could guarantee it. Utopia symbolizes people's hopes and dreams. Utopia turns to be synonymous with impossible because an ideal life in a perfect society that it offers appears to be out of reach. The authors of utopias depict the societies similar to theirs but better organized. They also offer a detailed plan of how we can create such a society and how it might be run. The term was taken from Thomas More's novel Utopia, published in 1551, where he depicted an ideal society based on equalism, economic and political prosperity and where poverty and misery were eradicated. More's Utopia is inspired by Plato's Republic, which is considered the first utopian novel. 

Kommentare: 7
  • #7

    Paragraph 7 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:12)

    Sci-Fi can be social critical.

  • #6

    Fabio Thym (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:11)

    The fourth paragraph is about, how the SFF got a new base in the thematic and the film technology. And how it switched from "only technology" to also an ethical aspect.

  • #5

    Paragraph 3 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:10)

    The third paragraph is about the fist SFFilms and the common themes they are often used by the film producers at the beginings.

  • #4

    paragraph 7 (Adam) (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:04)

    SFF's try to present sertain opressive values of societies, in which they try to achieve different considerations.Gottaca and Moon showed conditions witch designerbabies and clones in a fictitous future, with the goal to share warning massages..

  • #3

    Conen (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:03)

    Science-fiction writings are not scary, adventures or wild-west stories anymore and have advanced to be more literary like. The fictional universe ist more in the foreground and the important aspects are therefore the changed economy, politics and human behavior in that new world.

  • #2

    Paragraph 6 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:01)

    My paragraph is about what the real SFF handling about or mentioning the message that those films try to deliver.

  • #1

    Paragraph 1 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 09:58)

    The first Paragraph is about the beginning of Science Fiction, its definition next to other liteary genres and the problems that Science Fiction had.

Kommentare: 3
  • #3

    Paragraph 2 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:09)

    From the late 1940`s, the since fiction genre opened up new plots and more space for interpretation.
    Some authors even took it to literaly level, but it was decided that the most sf stories were to unreal and that they couldnt actually exist in the common world.

  • #2

    Paragraph 5 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:07)

    SFF has an own content and it's not the same like other film genres, it has a structural content. The vision of the future scences are based on our current idea of science and technology.

  • #1

    Paragraph 9 (Mittwoch, 22 August 2018 10:03)

    Films should lead through Question that areked throughout the mvie to open discussions. As an example Problems or Moral Dilemmas. It also should help to expand someones knowledge about flms.

The Giver

Aldous Huxley: Happiness - the savage

Welcome to Utopia!

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