
Describing pictures ( Ein Bild beschreiben )

1. TASK: Spy and remember as many things as possible

a typical day in the library
a typical day in the library

2. Can you now say where the things or people are in the picture?

" I spy with my little eye ..... "

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3. TASK: Have a closer look at the picture now and find as many things as possible

Wimmelbild Englisch final.ppt.pps
Microsoft Power Point Präsentation 2.2 MB

4. TASK: Let's play

E lesson help.doc
Microsoft Word Dokument 751.0 KB

5. TASK: Let's play II

  • Spy 3 things, people or people doing something with your partner.
  • Write down where they are with the words on the worksheet
  • When your finished you play the game with the in a group of 4 people


When you are finished you:


--> Get a game card from the teacher

--> Choose 2 hard to spy things in your picture that the rest of the class has to find in the second round of the game

--> Write the 2 things or people on the game card and write down where they are on the picture


We will then play the game with the class  and we will  see who is the fastest spy ; )

the city we live in
wimmelbild 2.jpg
JPG Bild 141.1 KB
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