March: Civil Right's Movement

Vocab 1



sharecropper - Farmpächter

responsibility - Verantwortung

responsible - verantwortlich

appearance - Erscheinung

to appear - erscheinen

odd numbers - ungerade zahlen

odd - seltsam

underneath - unter / unterhalb

to advertise - für etwas werben / etwas bewerben

doll - Puppe

preacher - Prediger

to comprehend - verstehen

blessing - Segen

to bless - segnen

  • lawful - rechtmäßig
  • law - Gesetz
  • assembly - Versammlung
  • to assemble - versammeln
  • conducive - förderlich
  • to disperse - verteilen / verstreuen
  • capital - Hauptstadt
  • dignity - Würde
  • President-elect - designierte Präsident
  • to whir - summen / brummen
  • a whir - Summen / Brummen
  • porch - Veranda
  • inaugauration - Amtseinführung

Wednesday 12/04

I can unfortunately be with you today. This, however, is not going to keep us from working with our book.


  • At first you fill in the cross word puzzle on the new vocabulary

             to make sure you understood the text you have read so far.


  • Those of you, who don't have the book - It should be four people:

lend two from the others and start reading --> write down unknown vocab and create a story arc

the ones who lent their books can work together on their summaries


  • Then you will write a summary about the text from page to page

             Remember to have

  • an introduction where you give information about the graphic novel and the topic of the excerpt
  • the main body where you structure the excerpt and sum up the things you think are necessary to understand the story
  • a conclusion where you comment on what you have read

Since we are dealing with a graphic novel it is important to have a look a the pictures. These tell you more about the people and their reaction than the text.

Preacher Man:

The Bible: John 1:29





Behold, the Lamb of God

29 The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!





Blessed are...

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