The USA: E PLURIBUS UNUM - one in many

A satirical look at the USA

in the middle ages people believed the universe looked like this

Can you find similarities between this picture and the one above?

Some Impressions

The following pictures show some aspects of the USA

--> Choose 2 pictures

a, describe them

b, explain in a short text what they have to do with the US

c, exchange your texts with a partner and add information where you can

Activity: The US and I


 --> Write down your name like in the example below:

--> and add ( like in "Additition" )  what you know about the US or what you like about the US

--> write big.


J      ACK is a very popular name there.

O     HIO is one its 50 states.

H     ESSIONS fought for the English in the War of Independence

N     EVADA is famous for its casinos.


You can also built ongoing sentences if you like or when you're finished early


    J   ACK Kerouac is a famous writer who

    O  WNS a big house in California.

    H  IS most popular novel is called

   oN  the road.




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