The following pictures show some aspects of the USA
--> Choose 2 pictures
a, describe them
b, explain in a short text what they have to do with the US
c, exchange your texts with a partner and add information where you can
--> Write down your name like in the example below:
--> and add ( like in "Additition" ) what you know about the US or what you like about the US
--> write big.
J ACK is a very popular name there.
O HIO is one its 50 states.
H ESSIONS fought for the English in the War of Independence
N EVADA is famous for its casinos.
You can also built ongoing sentences if you like or when you're finished early
J ACK Kerouac is a famous writer who
O WNS a big house in California.
H IS most popular novel is called
oN the road.