Erasmus Plus COMUND


2nd mobility: in Frankfurt


Create an article for a school magazine about the mobility in Frankfurt


To do so:


  1. You divide the different days and topics among the students in class. 2 or 3 per day.
  2. You choose wether you want to write a report, interview or a narrative (Erlebniserzählung)
  3. Discuss and make notes what you want to write about
  4. You need to include activities, topics, experiences, personal feelings, places/sites, people
  5. Write a short introduction before you start the main body and conclude with a short summary
  6. You need to add pictures
  7. Give your names


Your texts should be positive even though criticism is allowed and necessary. Keep in mind the texts are meant for the EU, which gave us the money for the project : )


Keywords that need to be considered are:


cultural contacts, learning a language, power in architecture (economy, political, historical etc.), German and French friendship, teenage life, job opportunities, work,


So make sure to touch these in your papers.



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