Language Lab

Forming Questions

Hit the link below to find a complete overview


you can also have a look at pp 172 ff in your textbook


1. A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "-ing." The gerund form of the verb "read" is "reading." You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.


  • Reading helps you learn English. subject of sentence
  • Her favorite hobby is reading. complement of sentence
  • I enjoy reading. object of sentence

Gerunds can be made negative by adding "not."


  • He enjoys not working.
  • The best thing for your health is not smoking.


Exercise: Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Schwimmen macht Spaß
  2. Frank ist interessiert sich für das Lesen von Fantasy Büchern.
  3. Ich hasse es, Briefe zu schreiben!
  4. Ich freue mich darauf meine Oma am Wochenende zu besuchen.
  5. Eva träumt davon in einem anderen Land zu leben.
  6. Tom ist gut darin Matheaufgaben zu lösen.
  7. Ich mag es lieber mit dem Bus in die Schule zu fahren als zu laufen. !


I prefer...

Which of the following activities do you prefer.

--> write down 5 sentences and think about your reasons.


  1. give a presentation - have a class discussion
  2. celebrate my birthday with my family - meet my friends and party
  3. watch a DVD - go to the cinema
  4. go to school by public transport - walk
  5. call friends - send a text message


--> discuss your opinion with a partner by exchaging your reasons.



A:    I prefer walking through the city to taking a bus tour, because you can see more details of the city's.

B:    I don't agree. Walking is too much for me. I rahter like taking in the sights in a comfortable seat.







  • Of course.
  • You're absolutely right.
  • Yes, I agree.
  • I think so too.
  • That's a good point.
  • Exactly.
  • I don't think so either.
  • So do I.
  • I'd go along with that.
  • That's true.
  • Neither do I.
  • I agree with you entirely.
  • That's just what I was thinking.
  • I couldn't agree more.


  • That's different.
  • I don't agree with you.
  • However…
  • That's not entirely true.
  • On the contrary…
  • I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…
  • Yes, but don't you think…
  • That's not the same thing at all.
  • I'm afraid I have to disagree.
  • I'm not so sure about that.
  • I must take issue with you on that.
  • It's unjustifiable to say that...

Conditional Type 3


Conditional Type 2 and 3: mixed Exercises

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Indirect Speech

Abgesehen von den Infos in deinem Schulbuch findest du eine Zusammenfassung der Grammatik zur indirekten Rede unter folgendem Link:



Solution to Worksheet of 18/12

Indirect Speech

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phrases for inclass discussions
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