Dublin - Ireland

Planning a trip

You have been invited to the international trade fair in Dublin. 

There you will get the chance to introduce and discuss one of your school projects.


As you have several days for yourself

your group decided that you take some time to visit the city. 


Your task is to choose from the most famous places of Dublin and create a guided tour. 


To so do

  1. you choose places you want to visit
  2. decide which will be the first, second and so on place to visit because you want to save time
  3. prepare information about the places 
  4. give a short talk on each sight or place which you visit

             by giving information about it

             saying why you choose it and 

             why you left out other sights. 


Be reminded

  • that every one of the group has to present at least one sight/place in the presentation. 
  • to use your own vocabulary as much as possible i.e. to rephrase the texts
  • to explain why you choose the places i.e. giving your personal opinion


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